One of the key principles around which the action of all the activities of the Pagano family revolves is the principle of sustainability
One of the key principles around which all the activities of the Pagano family revolve is the principle of sustainability, a term understood in its broadest sense, which also includes the enhancement of the territory and the recovery of ancient local productions. Each company in the Group implements this common principle by implementing a series of actions aimed at reducing the impact associated with the performance of individual activities.
Zero impact
In San Salvatore 1988 all cultivation processes are oriented towards a global balance between man and ecosystem, so the company has become completely zero impact, producing, through solar panels and a biogas plant, energy capable of covering even the consumption of the company's external suppliers.
The crops of San Salvatore 1988 adopt only biodynamic processes and blend the peasant traditions and rituals that here in Cilento are handed down from generation to generation with a great technological contribution, the result of research carried out in collaboration with the most important Italian universities.
Everything is aimed at preserving this extraordinary territory and its social fabric and from this also derives the decision to hire only under 40s from the area in the company, to put a stop to the migration of the younger generations towards the big cities of northern Italy.
Anche il Savoy Hotel & Spa pone grande attenzione alle tematiche relative alla sostenibilità. L’intero albergo si alimenta attraverso l’energia verde prodotta da pannelli solari e da un generatore green, in più l’hotel ha una centralina di ricarica auto elettrica dotata di un impianto fotovoltaico da 96Kw che consente di ridurre al minimo l’immissione di anidride carbonica nell’atmosfera e di produrre energia verde.
Finally, the Boutique Hotel Esplanade has chosen to reduce the consumption of materials such as paper and plastic and has decided to pay great attention to the recycling of raw materials in all its outlets, including the Beach Club 93.
Support for cultural heritage
In line with the consolidated tradition of patronage that has always distinguished the company, in 2019 the Pagano family financed a series of interventions by the Archaeological Park of Paestum aimed at restoring the Greek temples to their former glory.